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Home Fires


Pecos Canyon News


The Pecos Valley has been designated as a Planning Stage for evacuation.

To see interactive map for evacuation status click HERE TO SEE MAP. ~Eric Roybal


Home Fires

While we are prepared to respond to a fire at your residence, the reality is that it will take time for us to arrive on scene, especially if you live in a remote area or in an area that might present other challenges in our response.

In order to prepare for a house fire, it is critical that you install smoke detectors, replace batteries twice a year and have several easily accessible fire extinguishers. Also, each bedroom should have an escape route, especially those on a second or third floor. All residents and businesses should have a predetermined assembly area in a safe location so that you can account for everyone in the house. Also keep in mind that creating defensible space around your home not only helps protect it from wildfire but also helps prevent a wildfire should your home catch on fire.

If you have a fire, immediately dial 911 and evacuate everyone from the residence, especially those who might need additional time or assistance. Use fire extinguishers to fight small fires if safe to do so.

If the structure catches fire, and it is safe to do so, close all doors and windows, shut off electricity and gas and evacuate to your assembly area and await the Fire Department. If possible, use a neighbor’s phone or a cell phone to dial 911 and to keep dispatchers informed as the incident progresses.

We highly recommend that you fill out a Pre-Incident Plan form from this website and get it back to us which will help us better respond to your emergency. A Pre-Incident Plan can be very helpful to emergency responders. Click here to access the Pre-Incident Plan.

Remember, structures and personal property can be replaced, lives cannot.

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