Wild Fires
Pecos Canyon News
5/5/2022 The Pecos Valley has been designated as a Planning Stage for evacuation. To see interactive map for evacuation status click HERE TO SEE MAP. ~Eric Roybal |
Wild Fires
The Pecos Canyon is experiencing drought conditions and as a result has had many wildfires, including some very large ones in recent years. While some of these fires have been the result of natural ignition, others have been human caused and could have been prevented.
Ready, Set, Go!
The Ready, Set, Go! Program utilizes firefighters to teach individuals who live in high risk wildfire areas and the wildland-urban-interface (WUI) how to best prepare themselves and their properties against fire threats. Ready, Set, Go! works in complimentary and collaborative fashion with Firewise and other existing wildland fire public education efforts. It amplifies their messages to individuals to better achieve the common goal we all share of fire-adapted communities. Click here for more information. To request information use our easy web site form: Click here. |
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